Los Gigantes prepares to live its carnival with the allegory of the African Savannah


From February 23 to March 3, endless activities will take place


The Los Gigantes Carnival, the oldest carnival in the south of the island, is preparing to live and enjoy its "African Savannah", an allegory of the carnival chosen for this year 2024.


From February 23 to March 3 you can enjoy a varied and extensive program of events. They will begin this Friday, February 23, at 9:00 p.m., with the Grand Gala of Election of the Adult Queen of the Carnival that will feature the performance of the Joroperos troupe, the singer Miriam Reyes and the stellar performance of the singer Angy Fernandez. Next, Great Carnival Dance with performances by Latin Sound and Too Close.


On Saturday, February 24, at 10:00 a.m., there will be a children's playground and at 11:30 the traditional Children's Cross will be held. Around 5:00 p.m., the Grand Gala for the Election of the Children's Queen of the Los Gigantes Carnival will take place with the participation of local choreographic groups, Ballet Arkacia and the musical Imagine. From 9:00 p.m. Grand Carnival Dance with performances by The Roxy's Band, Orquesta Maraury, Orquesta Tropin and Orquesta Son Sin Límite.


On Sunday, February 25, at 5:00 p.m., the Gran Coso Apoteósico del Carnaval de Los Gigantes will take place from the “La Pescadora” roundabout in the direction of Plaza Buganvilla de Los Gigantes and with the participation of different groups, comparsas , floats... Upon arrival at the plaza, the festival with the Maquinaria Band orchestra.


On Monday the 26th there will be an exhibition of carnival costumes in the square. At 5:00 p.m., performance by The Roxy's Band. On Tuesday, February 27, throughout the day there will be a historical photographic exhibition of the carnival and around 5:00 p.m. a performance by the local group Tío Franklin. On Wednesday, February 28, starting at 6:00 p.m., Grand Gala for the Election of the Senior Queen that will feature the Senior Dance performances by the different associations of the municipality and the stellar performance of Servando and Panchita.


On Thursday, February 29, starting at 9:00 p.m., the Grand Drag Queen Gala will take place. Next, a performance by DJ'S Javi Plasencia. On Friday, March 1, at 6:00 p.m., sardine's wake with a performance by Tío Franklin. At 8:00 p.m. traditional Burial of La Sardina in its usual route accompanied by the Fanfare of Santiago del Teide. Next, burning of the sardine and display of fireworks. Next, in the Plaza de Los Gigantes the Gran Baile de Viudas with the Arguayo Band and Sabrosa orchestras.


On Saturday, March 2, at 11:00 a.m. bouncy castles and mask workshop. From 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. in the morning, celebration of the 2024 Los Gigantes Day Carnival that will feature countless performances among which Edwin Rivera, Pepe Benavente, Renzzo El Selector, Grupo Saocco, Ariel de Cuba, etc


On Sunday, March 3, from 7:30 p.m., a Tribute to Queen performance will conclude the events of the Los Gigantes Carnival 2024.