This morning, September 3, the Fisherman's Museum hosted the inauguration of the exhibition of the artist Elizabeth Cura, which will be available for your visit until 3 October and in which the Councilor for Culture, Sergio Mendoza, was present, who encouraged to visit this exhibition that reveals the great passion of the Argentine artist for the painting, as well as her own recognizable style.  Thus, regarding the artist, she entered the world of painting for the first time since very young, studying in adolescence at the Asociación Estímulo de Bellas Artes de Buenos Aires to later dedicate herself to graphic design, editing various publications and holding exhibitions in different parts of South America until in 1998 emigrates to Tenerife, where she dedicates herself to advertising graphics. Later, it was in Italy, Germany and England -from 2013 to 2018- where the artist performs numerous exhibitions of her works in oil and acrylic, some creations of an expressionist character and of strong contrast whose mixture between suggestive lines and imperfect geometric figures give the observer the opportunity to interpret them according to their state emotional.  In terms of her artistic style, Elizabeth Cura's work spans a wide thematic, which at times is close to surrealism, passing on other occasions by the lyrical and passionate painting, where the unexpected and the unpredictable are combined in a harmonious, positive and effective.  The exhibition can be visited until October 3, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 16: 00-19: 00 hrs. Monday to Friday and Saturdays from 10:00 hrs. at 1:00 p.m.