Héctor Hernández and Candelaria Lorenzo absolute winners of the VIII edition of the “Murallas del Infierno” Swimming Crossing
In the 1.5 km modality, the winners were the local swimmer Juan Alonso and[...]
About 350 swimmers will participate this Sunday in the VIII edition of the "Walls of Hell" Swim Crossing
This test will take place this Sunday, June 16, starting at 9:30 a.m. with the start of the 6.5 km distance.
Nearly 350 swimmers will[...]
The city council opens registration for the Santiago del Teide summer camp
It will take place from July 1 to 31 and from August 1 to 31 at the CEIP José Esquivel in Puerto de Santiago and registration will take place directly[...]
The city council organizes a free qualified level phytosanitary product handler course
This training is aimed at unemployed people and workers registered in Santiago del Teide as a priority.
The Santiago del Teide City Council is[...]
Registration is open for the XXVII edition of the Santiago del Teide Swimming Crossing
The test will take place on July 6 and registration can be made until 8:00 p.m. on July 3
The Santiago del Teide City Council has opened until 8:00 p.m.[...]