A total of 5 candidates will aspire to become Adult Queen of the Carnival of Los Gigantes 2023

Said gala will take place this coming Friday, March 3, starting at 9:00 p.m., in the Buganvilla square in Los Gigantes

A total of 5 candidates will aspire to be crowned as Adult Queen of the Carnival of Los Gigantes 2023 that will be held from March 3 to 11 under the motto "The World of Musicals" and whose election gala will take place this coming Friday, March 3. March, starting at 9:00 p.m., in the Plaza Buganvilla de Los Gigantes.

Thus, the candidates who will aspire to be crowned with the mentioned title are: Yurena Pérez Pérez who will wear a design by Eduardo Martín and who will be sponsored by the Royal Sun hotel, Eleonora Bevilacqua with a suit by the designer Alfonso Baute and having Ferretería Tamaimo as sponsor, Ainhoa ​​Pérez Socas who will wear a fantasy created by the designer Leo Martínez and sponsored by Isla de El Valle, Eliana Tejera Pérez who will wear a design created by Creaciones de La Rosa and whose sponsors are Puerto Deportivo de Los Gigantes and Excavaciones and Construcciones Montesdeoca and, finally, the young Nayara Cubas Guerra who will wear a fantasy created by Fran Yanes and whose sponsor is Verde's Los Gigantes and Real State Agency.

 In addition to this, it should be noted that at the Gala for the Election of the Adult Carnival Queen the Comparsa Joroperos, Laura Lou, the Epsylon ballet, the singer Miriam Reyes and Argel Campos will perform, and the special performance of the singer Henry Méndez.