The City Council allocates 45,000 euros for the launch of new business projects in the municipality 

The deadline for submitting applications ends on August 22

The Santiago del Teide City Council has launched the call for the granting of subsidies aimed at supporting the start-up and start of the activity of those business projects that generate economic activity and jobs in the municipality, whose subsidized investment expenses are carried out in the period between January 1 and until the last day of presentation of the grant call. 

For this purpose, the council has allocated a financial allocation amounting to €45,000, highlighting that the deadline to request said aid ends on August 22. It is worth mentioning that, through this call for aid, the aim is to promote the generation of economic activity in the municipality, trying to encourage the generation of new business activities that respond to the needs of society and that allow them to compete in the fabric. local productive.

This call may be attended by natural or legal persons as well as communities of property that have initiated an economic activity during the period established in each selective process; that have an establishment open to the public in the municipality or, in the case of professionals who carry out their activity without opening an establishment, they must be registered in the municipality for a minimum of 6 months, provided that said economic activity is carried out in Santiago del Teide. 

In addition to this, the beneficiaries must have made an initial investment for an amount equal to or greater than 2,000 euros, which they must justify at the time of the application and that they are microenterprises that employ a staff of less than 10 workers/ as, as well as that the turnover or assets do not exceed 2 million euros, among other requirements established in the regulatory bases of the subsidy.

Regarding the amount of the same, the aid granted by the Santiago del Teide City Council will be up to a maximum of €3,000.00 with a limit of 50% of the eligible investment (minimum investment €2,000.00 ), highlighting that the granting of the same will be conditional on budget availability, prioritizing projects, as long as they meet the requirements established in each call, according to the date of entry in the General Registry. Likewise, the total volume of aid to be granted in the annual calls will not exceed the amount of the credits corresponding to the year in question, so these will be granted until the existence of available credit is exhausted.

For more information on this matter, you should contact the council by calling 922-86-31-27, Ext. 401.