This new acquisition has had the collaboration and sponsorship of the consistory

On the afternoon of September 1, the official presentation of the new technical unit that will provide its support services and technical support in motor tests in the province took place in Santiago del Teide; All this in an event that was organized by the Inter-island Automobile Federation of Santa Cruz de Tenerife and the Municipality of the Historic City of Santiago del Teide and which counted on the application of current health measures for its proper development.

It should be noted that the president of the Cabildo de Tenerife, Pedro Martín, participated in the presentation of the new mobile unit - which had the collaboration and patronage of the council, among others -; the Insular Councilor for Sport, María Concepción Rivera; the 2nd Deputy Mayor, Noelia González; the Councilor for Sport, Juan Carlos González; the Councilor for Commerce, Krysten Martín and the President of the Insular Automobile Federation, Francisco Negrín, who agreed on the importance and significance of motor testing in the islands in terms of impact on the sporting activity of the Canary Islands and in the added value that the service of the new mobile unit will provide in the quality of the automotive tests carried out in our territory.

In this sense, the 2nd Deputy Mayor, Noelia González, assured that "Santiago del Teide has always clearly established itself as a municipal defender and promoter of sport in each of its disciplines, and to demonstrate this our famous" Salita a Tamaimo ", which brings together thousands of motoring enthusiasts every year; therefore, from the consistory we would like, from the beginning, to collaborate and participate in the acquisition of this new mobile unit that will surely bring countless benefits in each of the trials in which it provides its services ”.

For his part, the Councilor for Sport, Juan Carlos González, clarified that "from the Municipality of Santiago del Teide it was a great satisfaction to be able to offer our collaboration to this initiative that was proposed to us at the time by the Insular Council Automobile Federation to acquire the new mobile unit, which will certainly be very useful not only to support the tests but also to support the technical stewards ".

Finally, the Councilor for Commerce, Krysten Martín, added that “those of us who have experienced the Ascent in Tamaimo really know the function of economic recovery that car tests imply, as well as the technical and organizational background behind each of them; for this reason, from Santiago del Teide we want to congratulate the federation for the acquisition of this new mobile unit which I am sure will greatly facilitate the work of the entire technical team of each of the tests in which it is present ”.