The square of Arguayo hosted a multitudinous Dance of Magicians


The aforementioned event celebrated its XXII edition in an evening that featured the performance of local folkloric groups and the island


The square of the town of Arguayo was the stage in which the XXII edition of the Ball of Magicians of Santiago del Teide 2024 was developed, which had a great participation of both neighbours and neighbours as well as folk groups of the municipality and guests. This event for a few years has been part of the celebrations of the Festivities in Honour of San Isidro Labrador de Arguayo.


Thus, the groups participated in it: A.F. Cherfe-Chinyero Santiago del Teide, A.F. Tayme, A.F. Araza, A.F. Raíces, Talleres de Baile Folklorórico de Santiago del Teide, A.F. Los Dóniz and the parranda Bentahod.


Anyway, a day where conviviality, music, dance, gastronomy and even traditional games, made it an unforgettable night.