The mayor presented the gastronomic agenda with which Santiago del Teide will participate in GastroCanarias2022


It will take place on September 27, 28 and 29 at the Santa Cruz de Tenerife Fairgrounds


The Mayor of Santiago del Teide Emilio Navarro accompanied by the councillor for Local Development, Krysten Martín, the president of Acyre Canarias, Pablo Pastor as well as a part of the representatives of the gastronomic brand, SDT Gastro Lovers, presented the agenda of participation with which local gastronomy will be present for the first time in the 7th edition of the Gastronomic Salon of the Canary Islands


Emilio Navarro highlighted "the importance of participating for the first time in this gastronomic fair as important in the Canary Islands as GastroCanarias after the success achieved in Madrid Fusion that served us to promote our local products as well as demonstrate the transformation that has taken place in our municipality which has become a gastronomic reference of first nature."


The programming of the municipality during the days of the fair will be as follows:


*On Tuesday the 27th there will be sweet and savoury breakfast, the presentation of SDT GASTRO LOVERS, wine tasting, the Show Cooking lunch by the AQUA restaurant, barraquito route, white wine tasting, talks and exhibitions.


*On Wednesday the 28th there will be sweet and savoury breakfast, wine tasting, Cooking lunch show by Resurante Pancho, red wine tasting, talks and exhibitions.


*On Thursday, September 29, there will be a sweet and savoury breakfast, wine tasting, Show Cooking lunch, by the Pejeverde Restaurant, barraquito route, olive oil and honey tasting, talks and exhibitions.


Sweet and savoury breakfasts will be made by Macaronesia Coffee Shop Bakery and other municipal cafes while wine tastings and others will be performed by Mario Rodríguez sommelier of the Pancho restaurant.