Santiago del Teide treats more than 1,100 almond trees, a commitment to its rural landscape


As a result of this action, 1,060 almond trees have been pruned, 85 dried specimens have been cut, 402 pines cut down and more than 538 pine trees of torn pines have been cut


The City Council of the Historic Town of Santiago del Teide has carried out, for more than 3 months, the work of salvaging and pruning in almond trees, felling of young Canarian pine trees and the pulling of briznales that invaded the agricultural area to guarantee the conservation of the existing almond specimens; work previously authorised by the Ministry of the Environment of the Cabildo Insular de Tenerife. To do this, the consistory commissioned these works from the public company Gesplan which, with people from the municipality who were previously trained in specific tasks for the development of said action, carried out the commission of it.


The Councillor for the Environment, Luz Goretti Gorrín, recently made a visit to the treated areas, in the company of the municipal technicians and technical staff of Gesplan, to supervise the execution of these actions.


These tasks have been developed in rural areas of medium-rise, specifically in the terraced area of Arguayo and Los Baldíos, taking into account that they are areas with a high density of almonds.


As a result of this action, 1,060 almond trees have been pruned, 85 dried specimens, 402 pines cut down and more than 538 pine shrills removed have been cut.


To do this, manual and mechanical cleaning work was carried out, as well as refuelling of competent bushes to reduce the plant load, eliminating fuel as a way to prevent fires in these areas. As for the plant remains obtained from the works, they have remained in the middle as a contribution of organic matter to the soil, taking special care in their location and not having caused any impact on the environment.