Santiago del Teide will become in the European capital of Vovinam.  The municipality will host the European Championship in July 2023 Junior of Vovinam Vietvodao At the Congress of the European Federation of Vovinam Vietvodao (EVVF), held last June in Paris (France), took the important decision to celebrate the next European Championship of the aforementioned discipline in the municipality of Santiago del Teide. Thus, the Sports Complex "Pancracio Socas García" will host during the days July 1 and 2, 2023 the development of this important event international.  In the decision of the EVVF it has been quite important that in May 2018, the indicated sports facility was the venue for the seminar European annual of this Vietnamese martial art. however in back then all expectations were fulfilled, the maximum Vovinam's European body has opted for the candidacy of the municipality of Santiago del Teide to host this European event.  Thus, approximately 300 athletes between the ages of 10 and 18, representing ten European countries, will meet at the indicated locality that, in addition, will also receive the annual European seminar and the grade exam session for professors and teachers, during on June 29 and 30, as a prelude to the aforementioned Championship.  Likewise, the occasion will be used for the celebration of the congress annual meeting of the EVVF, which will mean, for all purposes, that ÇSantiago del Teide during those days will become the European capital of Vovinam.  On the occasion of all this, recently, the mayor Emilio Navarro, held a meeting with the Technical Director of Europe, the teacher Italian Vittorio Cera (6th dang), to whom he was able to transmit the satisfaction for the choice of the locality for the development of these important events. The aforementioned meeting was attended by Pedro González and Juan Celestino Miranda, president and secretary, respectively, from the Vovinam Vietvodao Spain Association, together with the Councilor for Sports, Juan Carlos González.  For the Mayor, "it is a source of enormous satisfaction that Santiago del Teide has adequate facilities to host events international events of such importance”, which was endorsed by the aforementioned European Technical Director, because after the meeting at the mayor's office, an inspection visit was made to the “Pancracio Socas García” Sports Complex, which complied with the expectations placed on him and that, of course, he will wear his best galas to host the European event.