Last Friday, October 15, coinciding with the International Day of Rural Women, the Mayor, Emilio Navarro accompanied by the Councilor for Women and Equality, María José García and the manager of the Cultania company, Yaiza González, presented in society the book entitled "Women of Fire and Lava. Memories of the Rural Woman of Santiago del Teide" that aims to make visible the role that the rural woman of Santiago del Teide had and still has.

About twenty women have participated in the project, coming from various enclaves of the municipality, representing all those who were born in the early and mid-twentieth century and experienced the various rural contexts, at a time of greater precariousness and inequality between genders.

The publication generated, practical and visual, collects a synthesis of the vital experiences of these women, taking as a common thread the agrarian landscape of Santiago del Teide and the various natural resources that have determined the culture and idiosyncrasy of its more rural areas. In it they highlight a compendium of literal testimonies about their knowledge, their ideas, their thoughts from gender inequality.

Through this initiative, promoted and financed by the City Council and prepared by the company Cultania: Comprehensive Management of Culture and Historical Heritage, it has been possible to create meeting spaces for dialogue, active listening and reflection, from the from the gender perspective.

The parties involved in the project were inspired by the last eruption of the Chinyero volcano when the project started at the beginning of the year. Since then, and under the idea of ​​creating spaces for the participants to expel the lava they carry inside, she developed a strategy based on the integration and empowerment of the women who have participated.