Said acquisition responds to the search for the improvement of the proper development of the competences of the aforementioned security body

The mayor of Santiago del Teide, Emilio Navarro, recently presented the three new motorcycles that will be incorporated into the mobile fleet available to the Local Police, for which a municipal investment amounting to 38,821.98 euros and highlighting that, through them, it is intended to increase the guarantee of a more effective service by the aforementioned body, as well as an increase in the quality of citizen security in the municipality

Thus, it is worth mentioning that in said presentation -which took place in the vicinity of the consistory- the Councilor for Security, Ibraim Forte; the Councilor for the Interior, Noelia Beatriz González; the Councilor for Human Resources, Alexandra León, the Councilor for Social Services, Tania Cuadrado, the Councilor for Sports, Juan Carlos González, members of the Local Police force as well as the head of sales of the company "Domingo Alonso Group".

Finally, during the presentation ceremony, the mayor of the municipality added that "through this new incorporation of the three motorcycles that we present today, we continue to influence what has always been one of the main priorities of the Government group , which is nothing but the safety of our neighbors; For this, it is vital to dedicate all our efforts to providing our security forces with the best equipment and resources necessary for them to carry out their daily work and service in the most efficient way possible”.