The City Council of Santiago del Teide announces that from February 14 to 25 of that month, at 2:30 p.m., the period for sending in digital format the photographic works that will compete in the XXV Almond Tree Photography Contest in Flor 2022, which can be attended by all people over the age of 18 of any nationality and country of residence.

The theme must be about the "Almond Blossom" being for this mandatory that the place of the photograph is in the municipality of Santiago del Teide. In addition to this, the applicant photographs must be submitted in digital format through the web application, where the requested personal documentation and the photograph/s will be uploaded in PDF format, high resolution with a minimum of 300 pixels and measures of 60 .5cm x 50cm.

Regarding the mode of presentation, each author may present a maximum of 2 works, and all this taking into account that the image file sent must have a title or motto and the place where the photograph was taken. Likewise, and attached to said email, the participant must send a file in PDF format in which the author's personal data will appear (name, surnames, age, DNI/NIE, nationality, address, telephone and , if applicable, email address). It will be in the title of the file in PDF format where the same motto used in the work must appear reflected.

It should be noted that, as in the previous edition, all those who compete through a photograph taken by means of a close-up,