The City Council of Santiago del Teide announces that the application period for economic aid for the primary sector of the municipality, aimed at increasing and promoting the development of activities in the sector and supporting existing activity, is open until June 2 , providing and favoring optimal operation for its continuity.

The amount of the subsidy to be received by each beneficiary, will be at least 500.00 euros and up to a maximum of 2,750.00 euros.  Individuals or legal entities that carry out activities in the primary sector and prove the following general requirements may attend this call: -Be registered in the Municipal Register of Inhabitants from the municipality of Santiago del Teide minimum SIX MONTHS before the publication of these bases and exercise the activity in this municipality.  -Having the registered office of the Entity in the municipality of Santiago del Teide (entity with legal personality).  -The beneficiaries must be up to date with their tax obligations, with Social Security, State and Autonomous Public Treasury and Municipal Treasury and not be involved in any of the cases provided for in article 13 of Law 38/2003, of 17 of November, General of Subsidies, for which purpose they will provide a Responsible Declaration.  -Be registered in the Tax on Economic Activities (IAE) and in the respective special regimes of Social Security.  -Having justified the financial aid previously received by the City Council of the Historic Villa of Santiago del Teide.  Legal entities must submit the application at the electronic headquarters of the City Council, as they are obliged to interact electronically with the Administration. For their part, natural persons may choose between relating electronically or presenting the documentation by any of the means provided for in article 16.4 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, of the Common Administrative Procedure.  All the information related to these grants can be found at the following link: