Through this donation it is sought to cover the needs of those students who do not have technological equipment in their homes facing the new normal.

The City Council of the Historic Village of Santiago del Teide and La Caixa have collaborated together to make a donation of a total of 85 tablets and Internet connection cards to the different educational centers of Santiago del Teide; an initiative for which the aforementioned bank -a through his social work- he has collaborated with a total of 4,500 euros and which arises from the assessment of the real needs presented by the students of the municipality in the face of the new situation caused by the pandemic.  In this sense, said action is intended to meet the needs of those students who do not have the equipment in their homes computer necessary to be able to carry out their educational tasks in the event that the health situation requires blended or new teaching lockdown; in such a way as to guarantee that they themselves can follow the study plan without inconvenience.  It is worth mentioning that the Mayor, Emilio Navarro -in the company of the Councilor of Education, María José García- recently proceeded to deliver the material information technology to the educational centers of Santiago del Teide, encouraging They are very useful for the students in the face of the imminent beginning of the new school year and especially for those young people who are older technological equipment deficits present in the family environment.