The Volunteer Firefighters of Santiago del Teide present their annual report for the year 2022


This year as the most outstanding services have been the fires of Los Realejos and El Tanque as well as level 3 of the fire in the Polygon of La Campana


The Volunteer Firefighters of Santiago del Teide have recently presented their annual report for the year 2022 in which it is found that a total of more than 120 exits have been activated since 112 that this body has had to develop in different interventions over the past year.


In this sense, the report states that the working hours have been 164 in total and the average firefighter per service was 7.


Of these departures and interventions we have to highlight the displacement of personnel and means to the fires declared in Los Realejos and El Tanque, the activation of level 3 in the Polígono de La Campana as well as the mountain rescues ( Barranco de Masca and Acantilado de Los Gigantes) and the rescues on the coast that rose to 9 in the Piscina area of Isla Can


Other services to highlight were the wind alert of March 14 according to orders of Tenerife Firefighters, in July by heat alert and in September two checkpoints, under the indications also of Tenerife Firefighters by temporary (24 and 25 September) and, finally, the checkpoints, for a total of 16 per year, highlighting the Trail Tenerguera, the Granadilla Rally (3 days) and the collaboration


In addition, the report highlights that its members during 2022 have carried out more than 132 hours of practises and training.