The Mayor inaugurates the expo-itinerant “Popular Art Mexican ”in the central courtyard of the townhall It was also attended, on behalf of the Cabildo de Tenerife the General Director of Economic Promotion, Ermitas Moreira.

Friday, October 29, the Mayor, Emilio Navarro, together with the General Director of Economic Promotion of the Cabildo de Tenerife, Ermitas Moreira and the councilors of Culture and Local Development, Sergio Mendoza and Krsyten Martín, respectively, inaugurated the exhibition Itinerant: "Mexican Popular Art" holdings of the Museum of Crafts Iberoamericana de Tenerife - MAIT - Cabildo de Tenerife, on the occasion of the celebration of the II edition of the cultural project "Shutters Charm" whose theme this year will be linked to customs in around death that are part of Mexican culture.  The exhibition that collects one of the most significant facets of identity of the Mexican people and that for its creators it is not only a form of artistic expression but also a way of life that allows the families that make them to survive and, also, the community of which they are part can be visited in the courtyard of the City Hall from today Friday, October 29 and until November 2 from 09:00 to 14:00 and from 17:00 to 19:00 hours.  The preparation of the pieces has been done following methods traditional and transforming clay and sand into beautiful vessels, plates, figures, ... where utilitarian functionality prevails in activities as common as the dressing or cooking of the Mexican people.  A variety of specialties are born from the clay, each with its perfect finish, with a smooth beauty in its burnish, richness in the modeling and with a show of joy in the polychrome finish and in the swarm shine from its glaze. Always playing with the clay until the desired shape is created depending on the piece you want to create, they add different materials: white or black sand. That domain of clay is what gives the magnificent pieces, the technical quality and artistic.