A total of 165 applicants have been admitted in the selection process for the coverage as career officials of a total of 3 places of Local Police of the municipality through free competition -corresponding to the Public Employment Offer of 2018-; highlighting that, recently, from the City Council of the Historic Village of Santiago del Teide -through the Human Resources area, directed by Alexandra León- has proceeded to carry out the corresponding procedures for the accumulation, to said call in the process of resolution, of 4 new places referring to the Public Employment Offer of 2021 and 1 place by transfer contest,  thus assuming a total of 8 places that are planned to be incorporated into the staff of the security body of the municipality after its resolution.  Thus, it should be mentioned that the places of the aforementioned selective procedure belong to the scale of Special Administration, Subscale of Special Services, Basic Class Group C and Subgroup C1; which are motivated to respond to the insufficiency of agents that currently presents the staff of the Local Police of the municipality and that are necessary to attend all the services entrusted to said security body.    In this sense, the mayor of Santiago del Teide, Emilio Navarro, assures that "through the next incorporation of 8 new agents once the resolution process is finished, we seek to continue influencing the progressive improvement of the human resources of our police, with the consequent improvement of its service and the guarantee of security destined to the population of Santiago del Teide"