Through it, it has been sought to promote the ability narrative of the children.

The Santiago del Teide City Council has made known to the winners of the II edition of the Contest "Histories from the Window ”, with which it has been tried to enhance the narrative ability of the youngest in the municipality.  Thus, in “Category A” -4th, 5th and 6th of Primary-, the first prize, valued at € 250.00 for textbooks and / or school supplies in the collaborating bookstores of the municipality, it was for the boy Luis Manuel Díaz, student, at the time of the 4th year of Primary at CEIP Tamaimo.  Regarding “Category B” –1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th of ESO-, the young woman Paula Ramos González, a student in her 4th year of ESO of the IES Tamaimo, was the winner, obtaining an award valued at 300.00 euros for the purchase of textbooks and / or school supplies in the collaborating bookstores of the municipality.