This weekend the festivities are celebrated in honor of the Santísimo Cristo del Valle and the Virgen de la Estrella in Valle de Arriba

Among the different events, the Prayer of the Lord of the Valley to Los Baldíos stands out, which will take place on Sunday the 19th from 11:00 a.m.

The town of Valle de Arriba celebrates its festivities this weekend in honor of the Santísimo Cristo del Valle and the Virgen de la Estrella, which will take place from Friday, May 17 to Monday, May 20, and will host numerous recreational and religious events, including those of whom we highlight the traditional Prayer of the Lord of the Valley to Los Baldíos.

On the first day of celebration, that is, Friday, May 17, the ascent of the Holy Christ will take place from the Parish of San Fernando Rey in Santiago del Teide to the Hermitage of Santiago Apóstol starting at 8:00 p.m. Upon arrival, folkloric festival with performances by Grupo Cherfe-Chinyero and Savia Canaria.

On Saturday, May 18, at 9:00 p.m., the mass will take place in honor of the Most Holy Christ of the Valley and the Virgin of the Star, officiated by the parish priest Mr. Víctor Manuel Fernández Suárez and sung by the Cherfe-Chinyero Group. Next, procession along the usual route, where the municipal authorities, faithful present and the Municipal Band of Santiago del Teide will be present. At the end, a great festival with the Latin Sound, Maraury and Armonía Latina orchestras.

The most commemorative event of these celebrations will take place on Sunday, May 19, starting at 11:00 a.m. with the celebration of the Holy Mass and, later, Rogation of the Lord of the Valley to the Los Baldíos area. Next, commemorative ceremony and return to the hermitage. Upon arrival, fellowship lunch for those attending and festival by the Manavy Band.

To conclude the celebrations, on Monday, May 20, starting at 6:00 p.m., the Holy Mass will be held and the image of the Lord of the Valley will be transferred from the Hermitage of Santiago in Valle de Arriba, to the Parish of San Fernando Rey.