The City Council of Santiago del Teide announces the XVII Nativity Scene Contest of the municipality, in which young people, youth organizations, groups, associations or collectives and individuals may participate; highlighting that, in the case of minors, authorization from the father / mother or legal guardian will be required.

Regarding the prizes, 3 prizes will be established distributed in their different categories, being as follows:

First prize: 150.00 euros.

Second prize: 100.00 euros.

Third prize: 50.00 euros.

As for the registration period, it will end at 9:00 p.m. on December 14, and must be done in person or by ordinary mail through the following address - City Hall of Santiago del Teide, Calle la Placeta No. 10, C.P. 38690, Santiago del Teide- or in the following places where, in addition, the contest rules can be consulted:

City Hall entry register.

Mayor's Office in Playa de la Arena.

Municipal Library of Puerto de Santiago.

Tamaimo Municipal Library.

Municipal Library of Santiago del Teide.

Tamaimo Youth House.

Youth House of Puerto de Santiago.

Santiago del Teide Youth House.

House of the Youth of Arguayo.

It is worth mentioning that the registration to participate in the contest must have the personal data of the author -name, surname, ID, address, telephone number and, where appropriate, email address-, as well as several photos of the participating nativity scene, However, a member of the organization will visit the registered nativity scenes to verify the authenticity of the works.

The jury will be made up of corporate personnel, technical experts, among people recognized in the cultural field or among those who practice their profession in matters related to culture, art, design, photography, etc .; highlighting that the visit of this will take place from December 15, 2021, although the jury's decision will be communicated before December 20.