Last Friday, October 15, the Chinyero Visitor Center hosted a show-tribute to Arguayo's neighbor María Gorrín Lorenzo, better known as “María Paloma”; highlighting that it was integrated into the VI edition of the Festival of Artistic Expressions "AleArte Cumbre de Bolico 2021".

Said show, which had the participation of the Singing students of the Santiago del Teide School of Music and in the musical part with the party El Mesturado, was performed by the students of the Folkloric Dance Workshops of Santiago del Teide after several months of preparation and rehearsals, it featured different scenographies with which the different stages of María Gorrín's life were related from her childhood in the town of Arguayo to the sound of our traditional music.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that, at the end of the show-tribute, the Mayor, Emilio Navarro, wanted to highlight the great contribution that the aforementioned neighbour made in life in terms of the promotion of culture and intangible heritage of the municipality, proceeding to deliver a gift as gratitude to the family members of the same.