The Mayor of Santiago del Teide, Emilio Navarro, proceeded to sign, recently, the act of resumption with which it will begin, imminently , the continuation of the works related to the construction of what will be the new gym located in the town of Tamaimo.  Thus, it should be noted that said scope of action has contemplated a modification of the project with which various problems have been corrected technicians -which meant a temporary interruption of the work- and whose works will be resumed immediately with an approximate forecast of 6 months of execution.  Regarding the works contemplated by said municipal intervention -for which the consistory has allocated an investment close to one million euros-, the building will have 600 square meters and will have 3 floors: the ground floor will house a waiting room, activity rooms, ticket office, warehouses and an elevator; while the first floor, for its part, will have a toy library, cafeteria, reception, terrace and changing rooms. Finally, the second floor It will have a fitness room, a cardio room and a spinning room.  For the mayor, Emilio Navarro, “after developing as a priority the pertinent revisions and proceed to the resolution of the technical problems that presented the work, finally the execution of what will be a state-of-the-art infrastructure in terms of sustainability and integration with environment and which will more than respond to the demand of the population of the high zone with respect to its access to the wide offer of a municipality clearly a defender of sport in all its dimensions ”.