The city council announces the “Doña Concepción García Suárez” awards in its 2024 edition

This recognition seeks to carry out an annual recognition action for people or entities to reward their work in favor of gender equality.

The Santiago del Teide City Council has called the 2024 edition of the “Doña Concepción García Suárez” Awards, which seek to promote equality between women and men, as well as publicly recognize people and entities that carry out activities that eliminate the conditions and discriminatory attitudes based on sex and in general achieve the non-sexist construction of knowledge and culture and the eradication of gender violence. 

Thus, regarding the prizes, which will not have a financial amount, it should be noted that the winners will receive a formal declaration of recognition of the activities and projects that are the subject of the call, as well as the award accrediting the granting of the prize.

Regarding the modalities of the awards, they are as follows:

*Women in Media Awards: Any woman over 18 years of age, group, collective, association, entity, who in the development of their activity from the media (whatever the format) has stood out for breaking barriers and stereotypes within this professional group. Those who contribute to the dissemination of the values ​​of equality and show reality by pointing out discrimination, or, on the contrary, carrying out positive actions, will also be eligible.

*Women in Research Award: Any woman over 18 years of age, group, collective, association, entity, who presents studies or research that analyzes or delves into a part of reality from a gender perspective will be eligible for this modality. Research or studies related to the field of health, social, legal, psychological, educational, labor, scientific, etc. will be valid... or in any field that reveals the inequalities that currently exist between women and men in our society. 

*Woman and Art Award: Any woman over 18 years of age, group, collective, association, entity, who, in the development of her personal, associative, cultural, professional, academic, teaching activity, has developed or developed this category, will be eligible for this modality. artistic works that analyze or deepen a part of reality taking into account the gender perspective and contribute to the visibility of women in this cultural field. *Women and Sports Award: Any woman over 18 years of age, group, collective, association, entity, who, due to her career and/or personal or social involvement in the development of her professional work, has stood out for making visible sport with a gender perspective, as a space of tolerance and integration, where women develop and participate, with the aim of breaking the gender gap that still exists in certain disciplines and sports spaces that continue to perpetuate negative stereotypes towards women. 

*Women and Social Initiative Award: Any woman over 18 years of age, group, collective, association, entity, who, due to her career and/or personal or social involvement, has stood out for fighting for equality, may apply for this modality. opportunities and against gender violence, promoting social changes in the lives of women who fall within its scope of action. 

*Coeducational Project Award in Educational Centers: School centers, students, APAS and teachers that have equality as an objective incorporated into their educational project or planning may be nominated, and that are developing actions that promote gender equality at different stages. educational.

*Honorary Award: Individuals or entities that, with their career or work, have contributed to equal opportunities for women or to the eradication of gender violence in a continuous and relevant manner and whose work or social contribution can constitute a reference for other people.

Regarding the presentation of the candidatures, these must be presented at the General Registry office of the consistory until December 27, 2024, and must contain, at a minimum, the identification data of the body or entity that proposes the candidacy, as well as of the person or entity proposed as a candidate, accompanied by: 

A) Explanation or supporting report of the merits and reasons that motivated the presentation of the candidacy, as well as a curriculum vitae if applicable. 

B) Report of the project or activity developed by the candidate person or entity, and must contain everything that the person making the request considers necessary for the best evaluation of the candidacy (initiative, work, project, experience, etc.). 

Finally, it should be noted that the evaluation table will be chaired by the Councilor for Equality, also having a minimum of 5 members related to and qualified in gender equality and whose jury's decision will be made before March 8, 2025. 


Concepción García was the first and until now the only mayor that Santiago del Teide has had, specifically, she was mayor from February 5, 1933 to May 10, 1933. She began her career in the municipality as a teacher in Arguayo in the 1931 academic year. /1932. During her teaching period she was part of the management committee that presided over the Santiago del Teide City Council until she was elected mayor on the date mentioned above.

Among its achievements was the supply of drinking water to the town of Arguayo.