The Mayor closed the Camp of Summer of Santiago del Teide 2021 More than a hundred children have been able to enjoy numerous recreational and educational activities during the months of July and August.  This morning, August 31, the Mayor of the Historic Village of Santiago del Teide, Emilio Navarro, closed the Summer Camp 2021 of the municipality, which has been carried out in the CEIP José Esquivel of Puerto de Santiago, counting during the month of July with a total of 111 children and in August with a total of 109 children; highlighting that it has successfully developed by applying sanitary measures established at all times.  Thus, in said closing ceremony -which was attended by the Councilor of Sports, Juan Carlos González, as well as the manager of the Sports Complex Pancracio Socas García, Yeremi Curbelo- the mayor congratulated the staff involved in the proper development of the camp, especially taking into account the current pandemic situation and encouraged children to continue to foster camaraderie as well as strive and get involved in maximum in the next school year that is about to arrive.  Finally, it is worth mentioning that during the course of the camp -which had a dining room service-, the children enjoyed performing numerous physical-recreational activities with which the youngest children Santiago del Teide have been able to promote intellectual and individual development, without put aside the fun and entertainment.