The mayor presented the “Doña Concepción García Suárez 2024” awards on International Women's Day

Through them, the recognition of those people or entities of the municipality that promote real equality between men and women is sought.

Last Friday, March 8, coinciding with the celebration of International Women's Day, the awards were presented to the winners of the 4th edition of the “Doña Concepción García Suárez 2024” Awards, whose presentation ceremony was held at the Center Tamaimo Social.

Present at this event were the Mayor of Santiago del Teide, Emilio Navarro, the Deputy of the Parliament of the Canary Islands, Jennifer Curbelo, the councilor for Equality of the council, María José García, as well as different members of the municipal corporation.

Thus, during the course of the event, the mayor and the Councilor for Equality proceeded to present the awards to the following winners:

Award in the “Woman and Art” category, for the Cherfe Theater Group, for bringing its humor and traditional theater to every corner of the islands, bringing the name of Santiago del Teide to all the places where they have captured scenes of the area. rural in which the problems suffered by women of yesteryear can be reflected.

Award in the “Woman and Social Initiative” category for the Tenerife Breast Cancer Association “Ámate”, for providing service to women affected by the aforementioned disease as well as their families, establishing itself from the beginning to provide support to said women and offer a whole network of services, activities and actions to raise funds for this purpose.

Honorary Distinction to Doña Ascención Mora Díaz, for being the first woman in our municipality to hold the position of Local Police, at a time when it was still not well regarded for women to carry out this work; highlighting that he carried out the work entrusted to him in a society where patriarchy still predominated.Likewise, it is worth mentioning that the event featured a musical performance by the famous national artist Sole Giménez and that, as in the previous edition, the award given to each of the winners consisted of a unique handmade piece made by the users. of the San Juan Association, highlighting that for it they had the elaboration of a base of mulberry wood as well as the use of wool from sheep that they have on their own farm and whose painting represents the “Tara”, symbol of the canarian woman