Theater lovers are in luck because a new edition of "Theater, Dance, Music and More" has arrived at #SantiagodelTeide that will bring the best theater companies on the islands to the municipality during the months of October and November. During three consecutive days (Thursday, Friday and Saturday) we will be able to immerse ourselves in the infinity of stories, conflicts and scenographies that the invited theater companies will bring with them. Thus, tomorrow, Thursday, October 21, starting at 6.30 pm at the #Tamaimo Social Center, the Morfema Teatro company will stage the play entitled "Informe Lope" in which the environment of a mysterious corporation is recreated, in whose basements are stored the theatrical works of all time. Among them, those of Lope de Vega. Ramírez and González, a woman and a man respectively, are the officials in charge of classifying it and preparing it for “publication”. The conflict develops from the central theme that we want to raise, which is the way in which the playwright conceives his female characters. On Friday, October 22, starting at 6:30 p.m. at the #Tamaimo Social Center, it is time for Burka Theater that will stage the family play entitled "Danger in Fragilia" which, humorously promotes awareness of the serious impact of invasive alien species on Canarian biodiversity. Already on Saturday October 23, starting at 6:30 p.m. at the #Grama Cultural Center of #SantiagodelTeide, it is the turn for the theater company El Antihéroe Teatro whose performance is entitled "Cuatro Platos" a comedy that tries to reflect how different life is with respect to the expectations placed on it and that it focuses on "what is known as the lost generation." In this way, the characters try to maintain a balance "between what they need and what they want in a world in which, more and more, the image prevails over work." Remember that the show offer will have limited capacity! To register, you just have to contact the #Ay AyuntamientoSDT by phone 922-86 -31-27, Ext. 113 and / or 301 or by email through