Said project that proposes the demolition of the current cultural center and the construction of a new building will have a budget of € 1,859,563.14, of which the Council for Culture of the Cabildo contributes € 1,711,934.22 through a grant

The plenary session of the Santiago del Teide City Council recently approved in plenary session with the favorable votes of the government team (PP) and the abstention of the Canary Coalition and PSOE the approval of the basic project and the execution of the expansion and improvement of the Cultural Center Grass of Santiago del Teide.

It is a work that will have a base budget for the tender, including IGIC, of ​​€ 1,859,563.14 of which the Council of Culture of the Cabildo de Tenerife contributes, through a subsidy, € 1,711,934.22 while that the City Council contributes € 190,214.91.

The current cultural center has facilities that, in addition to being insufficient, have become obsolete, requiring their renovation and adaptation to the needs of a population that demands not only new spaces and facilities but also a degree of modernity and timeliness of the same. That is why, for the implementation of the proposed reform and expansion, the construction of a new building, the object of this project, occupying both the space of the current cultural center and the back garden.

The future action will be distributed as follows:

The ground floor:

* Access: lobby / atrium.

* Assembly hall (hall, stage, warehouse).

* Access to stage and dressing room.


*Radio transmitter.


* Multipurpose room (computer room).

* Toilets: female and male, both adapted.

* Rest space connected to the terrace.

On the ground floor:

* Multipurpose rooms (one of them soundproof).

* General toilets: female, male and adapted.

* Dressing room (with separate entrance).


* Installation room under stairs.

Emilio Navarro, Mayor of Santiago del Teide points out that "we continue working to adapt and adapt our cultural facilities to the new times and to the new regulations, which clearly makes our commitment to culture in the municipality, in recent times, It has taken a quantitative and qualitative leap and has taken the prominence it deserves. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Councilor for Culture, Enrique Arriaga, for the willingness and involvement of this work ".