The TikTok audiovisual sample submission deadline will end on October 1

The City Council of the Historic Village of Santiago del Teide has organized a new edition of the TikTok Contest "Woman ... you had to be 2021" in its "Gender Violence" modality, whose deadline for the presentation of the TikTok audiovisuals will end on October 1 ; noting that the elderly population residing in Santiago del Teide as well as Secondary Education students residing in the municipality may participate in it - they must present the corresponding paternal / maternal authorization in the case of having a minority -.

The theme of the participating TikTok audiovisuals will be gender violence, understood as any violent act or aggression, based on a situation of inequality within the framework of a system of relations of domination of men over women, which has or may have as consequence of physical, sexual or psychological harm.

Thus, audiovisual works may contain real or fictitious stories and may only be made through the TikTok application, highlighting that they must have a maximum duration of 60 seconds and only one proposal per participant may be submitted; although they may be excluded if they have sexist, xenophobic or offensive connotations against people or institutions. In addition, a special mention will be made of the educational centers in which the most students present their work.

Regarding the modality of the contest, participation in it will be done by presenting an original and unpublished TikTok audiovisual that has not been awarded in other contests; It must be submitted via email through the email and in which it must be indicated in the subject (II TIKTOK CONTEST "WOMAN ... YOU HAVE TO BE" GENDER VIOLENCE) as well as attach the following personal data - Name and surname of the author; date of birth; address; telephone contact; school to which they belong (if applicable); authorization of the minor (if applicable); audiovisual title; brief description of the audiovisual as well as the e-mail of the participant / father / mother / guardian (if applicable) -; highlighting that said data will not be used for any other purpose than to communicate the prizes to the winners and will be deleted once the contest has ended.

On the other hand, all the audiovisuals presented will be subject to a series of selection criteria by the jury appointed for this purpose and which will have the following premises:


- Message that is transmitted and adaptation to the theme of the contest: Up to a max. of 8 points.

- Quality in its execution: Up to max. of 4 points.

- Creativity, originality and coherence of the same: Up to a max. of 4 points.


In this sense, the jury will be chaired by the Councilor for Equality of the consistory and will be made up of different personalities who are experts in gender, associated with the audiovisual and Equality world, as well as a secretary, who in this case will act as such the Department's technique. of Equality; highlighting that the jury's decision will take place during the November 25 Campaign -International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women-, the awards being as follows:

- 1st PRIZE: € 300.00

- 2nd PRIZE: € 200.00

- 3rd PRIZE: € 100.00

In this way, the total value of the prizes to be awarded will be 600.00 euros, highlighting that the same author may not receive more than one prize, as well as that the jury may declare it void if it considers that the works presented do not have the required quality.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that the consistory will have the awarded works for publication and exhibition in the form and manner it deems appropriate, highlighting that the winning contestants will assign the exploitation rights of the TikTok videos they submitted to the contest, without requesting financial compensation from change; While those works that, due to their quality or interest, may be recommended by the jury, will be published including the name of their authors.