Santiago del Teide is committed to greater investment, efficiency and sustainability of the collection and cleaning service of its streets 

The contracting file for the aforementioned public service was recently fully approved, which will have an investment of more than 1,770,000 euros per year

During the morning of yesterday, August 26, the municipal plenary session of the City Council of the Historical Village of Santiago del Teide, in an extraordinary session, proceeded to approve the contracting file for the selective collection service for domestic waste and street cleaning of the municipality, an action aimed at improving the quality and efficiency of the service and for which the council will allocate an increase in investment of 500,000 euros, rising to a total of 1,770,625.17 euros per year. 

Among other aspects, said contract will include the following benefits: 

Selective collection, transport and delivery of household waste, including organic waste, rest fraction, plastics and packaging, as well as paper and cardboard. 

Collection, transportation and delivery of pruning remains, household goods and waste electrical and electronic equipment. 

Collection, transportation and delivery of used oils, clothing and footwear. 

Improvement of street cleaning, for which there will be an increase in the frequency of the service and the machinery intended for it. 

Other services related to street cleaning. 

In addition to this, and to respond to the objective set by the council and aimed at offering a more sustainable and environmentally friendly service, said contract will also be aimed at increasing the ratios of waste collected in a differentiated manner with the objective of complying with the recycling percentages set by the EU and reduce the carbon footprint in its provision, for which the implementation of brown containers for the collection of organic waste is planned in the different population centers of the municipality, among other aspects.