The base budget for the tender is €38,821.98 for motorcycles and €72,000.00 for vehicles in the works and services area

The City Council of Santiago del Teide has put out to tender the acquisition of three motorcycles for the Local Police, given the need for these for the proper development of the basic skills of the area to which they are destined. In addition, it also puts out to tender the acquisition of three vehicles for the Municipal Works and Services area, with the aim of renewing and equipping a fleet of vehicles that allow the area to correctly provide the services that, in the execution of its own and delegated powers , have been attributed to this City Council.

The estimated value of the contract for the vehicles for the works and services area, with IGIC included, amounts to 72,000.00 euros, with an execution period of 5 months for the vehicle to be delivered from the date of formalization. of the contract.

Regarding the motorcycles for the Local Police, the estimated value of the contract, with IGIC included, amounts to 38,821.98 euros, with an execution period of 3 months for the vehicles to be delivered from the date of formalization. of the contract.