The Inclusive Summer Camp of Santiago del Teide 2024 was closed


More than a hundred children have been able to enjoy numerous recreational and educational activities during the months of July and August


This morning, August 30, the closing of the 2024 Summer Camp of the municipality was held, which has been held at the CEIP José Esquivel in Puerto de Santiago, with a total of 130 children during the months of July and August, highlighting that it has been successfully developed and has also been constituted as an inclusive camp in which children with functional diversity have been able to enjoy leisure and sport, thus enhancing their integral development.


This closing ceremony was attended by the Councillor for Social Services and Functional Diversity, Tania Cuadrado, as well as Yeremi Curbelo, member of the public company Santiago del Teide Gestión SL and the Pancracio Socas García Sports Complex, who took the opportunity to congratulate the group of monitors involved in the correct development of the camp.


Finally, it is worth mentioning that during the course of the camp, which had dining and transportation service, the children enjoyed the realisation of numerous physical-recreational activities with which the smallest of Santiago del Teide have been able to promote intellectual and individual development, without leaving aside fun and entertainment.