The contest took place last Saturday, July 23

The municipality of Santiago del Teide recently elected the different Queens of the Patron Saint Festivities in honor of Santiago Apóstol 2022 in an act that exceptionally hosted the three competitions in the running in one, given that two competitions for queen due to the fire that occurred in Los Realejos and whose prevailing smoke made these celebrations difficult.

Therefore, in a single contest, the Children's, Adult and Great Lady Queens of the Patron Saint Festivities were elected in honor of Santiago Apóstol 2022 in a gala directed by William Luis Alonso that featured a performance by the Santiago del Rosario School of Music. Teide, the humor of Kike Pérez and the singer Roko, winner of the 2nd edition of the television program "Tu Cara Me Suena".

After deliberation by the jury, the result was as follows:

Child Queen: Millaray Pérez Vázquez.

Adult Queen: Esmeralda Barrios Jiménez.

Great Lady: Angeles Rosa Sanchez Rodriguez