A new edition of the literary event "April with letters 2024" lands in the municipality to commemorate the month of literature


Until next April 30, the municipality will host numerous activities related to letters and aimed at all audiences


The City Council of the Historic Town of Santiago del Teide has launched, once again, its literary campaign "April with letters 2024", which until next April 30 will bring with it numerous activities linked to the universe of letters and that will be aimed at all audiences.


Within its offer of activities, from last April 1 to the next 30th of the aforementioned month, you will be able to enjoy the exhibition "Liberture" in the municipal libraries, which will be composed of a sample of the bibliographic collections, as well as texts by our local authors.


Likewise, on April 19 and 20, at the CEIP Feliciano Hernández García will land the 9th edition of our famous Feast of the Word 2024 as well as the magic of each of its activities, aimed at promoting the pleasure of reading among the little ones and the rest of the family.


On Tuesday, April 23, starting at 6:30 p.m., the cultural event "En abril te cuento...2024" will begin at the Tamaimo Social Centre, with which we will be able to enjoy a literary act with an island theme and in which Doña Ana Rosa Trujillo will present her book "Desgranando versos, coplas, romances, poemas", with the musical accompaniment of the group "Savia canaria" and which will also feature the recital of our local authors Ana Naira Gorrín Navarro and Juan Carlos Pérez Ferrer.


On Wednesday, April 24, for its part, the Tamaimo Social Centre will once again be the place chosen to develop a literary event of urban poetry, which will feature the presentation of the book "La muela de oro", by Don Joaquín Tena and which will have, on this occasion, the musical accompaniment of "Show Daylen" and its musical style of African origin. In addition, our local authors Sandra Santana and Sara Burísima will recite during the course of it.


As for Thursday, April 25, starting at 6:30 p.m., it will be the time when the Tamaimo Social Centre hosts an afternoon "of author and root" with the presentation of Don Francisco Pérez Camaño's book "Los guanches en la montaña", also with the musical accompaniment of Samuel Labrador -piano- and the voice of Dulce Barrios, from the School of Music of Santiago del Teide; in addition, during the course of the event, you will be able to enjoy the recital of our local author Alicia León.


Finally, it will be on Friday, April 26, starting at 6:30 p.m. and at the Tamaimo Social Centre, when a musical genre evening takes place with "Boleros", by Cira Rodríguez - integrated in the XXVIII edition of "Noches de Boleros y Más" and which will feature a joint video-poetry of our local authors.