The city council presents the annual balance sheet of the Viogen system and recognises the work of its main actors


The mayor presented a distinction to members of the Local Police and the Civil Guard of the San Juan Beach post


Today, Friday, November 25, coinciding with the commemoration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, a meeting was held in the plenary hall of the city hall to present the annual balance of the entry into operation of the Viogen system in the municipality that the State put into operation in 2007 to allow the rapid, comprehensive and effective monitoring and protection of abused women, and their


It was attended by Mayor Emilio Navarro, the Security Councillor, Ibraim Forte, different members of the government group as well as representatives of the Local Police and the Civil Guard of the main post of Playa de San Juan.


The meeting also served to honour by the city council with the delivery of a distinction, the Local Police and the Civil Guard of that post for the good work they do in conjunction with the collaboration and coordination with the rest of the State Security Forces and Bodies against violence against women and their sons and daughters.


For agenda reasons, representatives of the Gender Violence Unit of the Government Subdelegation and representatives of the Special Board on Equality between Women and Men and Violence of the Diputación del Común de Santa Cruz de Tenerife could not attend.