Winners of the V San Andrés Artisanal Car Contest 2022


The aforementioned contest took place in the town of Arguayo, coinciding with the eve of the festival of San Andrés


On the afternoon of yesterday, November 29, on the occasion of the eve of the San Andrés festival, the Santiago del Teide City Council organized the V edition of the San Andrés 2022 Artisan Carriage Contest that took place in the town of Arguayo.


Thus, after the evaluation of the jury, the following verdict was determined:


- Asier Díaz Cairós won the "Best Children's Design" award.


- Abián Gorrín Dorta won the award for “Best Youth Design.


- Adán Pérez Álvarez won the "Fastest" award.


The Councilor for Youth, Juan Carlos González, the First Deputy Mayor Ibraim Forte and the Councilor for Tourism, Luz Goretti Gorrín, were present at the awards ceremony.