The City Council puts out to tender the drafting of the basic and execution project for the improvement of several streets in Puerto de Santiago and Acantilados de Los Gigantes

The base budget for the drafting of the project, which has 4 lots, is €247,663.55 and the submission of offers ends on December 11

The City Council of Santiago del Teide has put out to tender the drafting of the basic and execution project, construction management and coordination in matters of health and safety, conditioning and improvement of several streets in Puerto de Santiago and Los Gigantes Cliffs whose general objective is the improvement of the tourist space of Santiago del Teide and, for this, a series of strategic and exemplary interventions are proposed in the tourist centers.


The estimated value of the contract, not including taxes, is €247,663.55 for a drafting period of 5 months from the signing between the city council and the future successful bidder and the submission of offers, through the Public Sector Contracting Platform. next December 11 at 3:00 p.m.




These interventions, which are divided into 4 lots, contemplate different actions in the public space, which consist, fundamentally, of the rehabilitation and improvement of deteriorated urban facilities. For this, it is necessary to carry out work to bury facilities, landscaping, provision of urban furniture and other needs of public spaces in tourist areas, taking into account their adaptation to the environment and the lines of intervention that are being developed in this tourist area.


Lot 1 contemplates the conditioning and improvement of the streets

Flamboyant, Tabaiba and La Palmera in Los Gigantes Cliff which have a budget of €56,074.77. Lot 2 contemplates the conditioning and improvement of Herrador, Los Angeles and Paseo Agustín Herrera streets in Puerto Santiago, which have a budget of €60,747.66.


For its part, lot 3 contains the refurbishment and improvement of La Hondura and Las Rosas streets in Puerto de Santiago with a budget of €65,420.56, while lot 4 contemplates the refurbishment and improvement of the Punta Negra area and has a budget of €65,420.56.


From the city council it is understood that given the current state of urban, aesthetic and accessibility criteria of these streets, an intervention is considered necessary to correct these detected deficiencies, revaluing, increasing and improving the competitiveness of this coastal tourist environment, all aimed at improve urban mobility in this area.