Santiago del Teide becomes for the fourth consecutive year one of the most transparent municipalities in the Canary Islands


The city council obtains for the fourth consecutive year a score of 10 out of 10 and overlaps the autonomous ranking of the transparency portals of public administrations


Santiago del Teide is consolidated one more year and there are already four consecutive years as one of the most transparent municipalities in the Canary Islands by obtaining a score of 10 out of 10 according to the report made public by the Transparency Commissioner of the Canary Islands for the financial year 2022 and first half of 2023 of the Canary Islands municipalities.


The data show the progress in better management, more transparent and closer to the citizen that has been reflected in the data of the last 5 reports when the 5 score was barely reached in 2016 while, in the last four reports of the year 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and the first half of the year 2023 the score has been 10 out of 10, the maximum possible.


In this sense, of the 88 Canarian municipalities that exist only Santiago del Teide and Los Realejos, they have been obtaining 10 points during four consecutive evaluations from the ITCanarias of the year 2019.


The mayor, Emilio Navarro, points out that "these data demonstrate our commitment to transparency and greater accessibility to the contents required by the autonomous regulations of application in this matter. The coordinated work of all municipal areas with the constant and updated dumping of public information makes the commissioner value us in this way and comply with all the indicators requested by the Transparency Law."


The Commissioner for Transparency and Access to Public Information of the Canary Islands is a body created by the Transparency Law of the Canary Islands and dedicated to the promotion, analysis, control and protection of transparency and the right of access to public information in the Canary Islands.


The Canary Islands Transparency Index (ITCanarias) measures the degree of active, mandatory and non-mandatory transparency of an entity. It is based on four indicators: the Mandatory Information Compliance Indicator (ICIO), the Web Support Compliance Indicator (ICS), the Active Advertising Compliance Indicator (ICPA) and the Voluntary Transparency Indicator (ITV).