The city council announces the winners of the VIII edition of the Literary Contest “Lyric Letters of Santiago”

The contest included short stories, poetry and praise. 

The Santiago del Teide City Council has announced the winners of the VIII edition of the Literary Contest "Lyrical Letters of Santiago" in its short story, poetry and praise modalities.

Thus, in the “Story” category, the first prize, valued at 300 euros, went to Manuel Izquierdo Ruíz with his work “Fatalidad”. The second prize, worth 150 euros, went to Carlos Fernández Salinas with the work titled “"The last opportunity." Juana Báez Cejas won the Special Prize - valued at 200 euros - with her work “"Mi Añepa". There was also a Special Prize added to the short story category that went to Dolores Sanz Rodríguez, with her work "Santiago Fascinante." 

 Regarding the “Poetry” category, the prizes were as follows: the first prize, with an amount of 300 euros, went to María Sonia Rodríguez with the poetry titled "Santiago del Teide". The second prize, worth 300 euros, 150 euros went to Luis Seco de Lucena Moreno with the work titled "The spirit of Mencey". The Special Prize, worth 200 euros, went to Ana Celia Luis Torres with her work "The eyes that hug you." 

Finally, in the “LOA” category, the award was void by decision of the jury.