The city council organizes a free qualified level phytosanitary product handler course

This training is aimed at unemployed people and workers registered in Santiago del Teide as a priority.

The Santiago del Teide City Council is organizing a free course on "Phytosanitary Product Handler - Qualified Level" that will last 60 hours and will be taught in person.

The course is aimed mainly at working and unemployed people in the municipality of Santiago del Teide.

This is an official training course for the Handling of Professional Users of Phytosanitary Products "Qualified Level", aimed at users of phytosanitary products who carry out actions in which they manipulate and apply phytosanitary products. Focused on rational use and with the necessary safety measures to prevent risks in the handling of these products that are dangerous to health.

Interested persons can obtain more information and pre-register by calling 922-86-31-27 ext 403.