The public company Santiago del Teide Gestión SL renews another year of positive accounts 

This milestone has been achieved by the aforementioned company for the fourth consecutive year.   

One more year, Santiago del Teide Gestión SL, a 100% municipal company in charge of managing the Pancracio Socas García Sports Complex, successfully held its ordinary general meeting, where the accounts corresponding to the year 2023 were approved, with a positive financial result. . 

This milestone underlines the company's continued growth and success in its commitment to providing exceptional sports facilities and promoting a healthy lifestyle in Santiago del Teide; highlighting that it is the fourth consecutive year in which Santiago del Teide Gestión SL presents positive financial results, consolidating its position as a benchmark in municipal sports management.

Emilio Navarro, mayor of Santiago del Teide and president of the company, expressed his satisfaction with the results obtained, highlighting that "we are proud of the work done by the entire team, and that their work not only improves the quality of life of our residents, but also reaffirms our commitment to promoting physical activity and sport in all our sports facilities. 

For his part, Yeremi Curbelo, a worker at the aforementioned public company, highlighted the importance of having maintained the number of users from the previous year and of having increased the sports offer to satisfy said demand, reaffirming that "our objective is to continue providing the best possible service, adapting to the needs of our users and consolidating ourselves as a benchmark on the island.” 

Finally, it is worth mentioning that this year 2024 is especially significant, since the Pancracio Socas García Sports Complex, a leading facility managed by the company, celebrates its 20th anniversary; Without a doubt, a celebration for which various events and events have been scheduled that will involve the entire population of Santiago del Teide.