The City Council is working so that the pyrotechnic display in Puerto de Santiago is declared a Festival of Tourist Interest in the Canary Islands

Today, Saturday, July 16, the festivity of Nuestra Señora del Carmen, Puerto de Santiago will experience one of the most important events in the summer festival calendar, the fireworks display of its festivities.

More than 1,000 kilograms of pyrotechnic material wait for the clock to strike approximately 00:00 hours to illuminate the skies of Puerto de Santiago.

30 minutes that promise color and thunder by the Hermanos Toste de Los Realejos pyrotechnics, a company with important international awards and that will be in charge, as always, of carrying out this show that will have three well-differentiated parts: the presentation, development and ending.

To supervise the development of the fires, the City Council has planned a security operation in which twenty professionals will participate, including the Local Police, Civil Protection, the Red Cross, volunteer firefighters, ambulances and the Civil Guard.

Festival of Tourist Interest of the Canary Islands

The Santiago del Teide City Council is working so that this pyrotechnic display is declared a Festival of Tourist Interest in the Canary Islands, among other reasons, due to its age, the continuity of its development over time, the importance it has and because it constitutes a cultural and tourist attraction that contributes to shaping the tourist image of the municipality, the island and the entire Canary Islands.