The Mayor, Emilio Navarro, recently signed the act of setting out the start of the same

The Mayor, Emilio Navarro, recently signed the reconsideration act by which the construction works of the reservoir and drinking water dispensing system in Tamaimo will begin, which have been awarded to the López Marrero Construcciones company and have a deadline of execution of 4 months and a budget of €224,524.25.

This project contemplates the construction of a deposit of

reinforced concrete with external dimensions of 10 m long x 6.80 m wide x 4.8 m high as well as the installation of an automatic system where the user can stock up daily by using an electronic card or assigning an electronic pin totally free for activate the fill system.

The tank will have two vessels or chambers, it will have an intermediate dividing wall at a height of 4 m (measured from the upper foundation plane). The division of the tank will allow continuous service to be maintained when preventive maintenance tasks are carried out, additionally it will have the objective of carrying out a pre-separation and settling of the water in case there are heavy solids at the entrance coming from the galleries. The thickness of the walls will be 30 cm for all walls, for a total internal net capacity (9.1 m x 6.2 m x 4 m) of 226 m³.

The project will allow the creation of an infrastructure that guarantees the control of the rational use of water from galleries and mountains so that all the inhabitants of the municipality can enjoy

equitable way of the vital liquid. In addition, it will improve the quality of life for the residents who live in the sector, save money on the purchase of water, increase the consumption of free purified natural water, contribute to improving the environment, increase the recycling rate of the municipality, minimize the impact of plastic on the environment and further put into practice the rule of the three Rs: reduce, recycle and reuse.