The city council organises the free camp for Responsible and Solidarity Youth 2024 of the Growing With You Project


It will take place from July 22 to August 30 at CEIP Tamaimo and is aimed at young people between 11 and 16 years old, both inclusive


The City Council of Santiago del Teide through the Co-responsible Plan has organised the free camp for responsible and supportive young people of the Growing With You Project between the ages of 11 and 16, both inclusive, which will be held from July 22 to August 30 at the CEIP Tamaimo.


The camp that has limited places will be held from Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and also includes transportation and lunch. It will develop activities of social and community interest that contribute values, culture and personal growth through volunteering committed to the community. In addition, it will serve so that parents can also, to some extent, reconcile their work and family life.


The objective is for the young people of the municipality to acquire meaningful learning, assimilating knowledge and values through group activities and experiences so that they learn to work in a team, taking advantage of the maximum qualities and abilities of each one.


Pre-registration must be made between July 12 and 18 by scanning the QR code of the attached poster and/or through the following link:


Those who wish to obtain more information about it can contact the phone 618-75-16-86 and/or through the email