Santiago del Teide has optical fibre in 98% of the municipality


With the completion of the works in the town of Arguayo all municipal centres have high-speed internet


The City Council of Santiago del Teide informs that after the deployment work that has been carried out in the nucleus of Arguayo and through which it is already possible to contract fibre optic services in that place, the municipality of Santiago del Teide has high-speed internet in 98% of its territory.


Mayor Emilio Navarro highlights "the importance of all the neighbours of Santiago del Teide having digital coverage since it facilitates the promotion of population development, economic development as well as the promotion of employment thanks to the implementation of these communication services. We have given all kinds of facilities to the Telefónica company so that the works of deployment and installation of fibre optics have been carried out in the shortest possible time."


In this way, the entire municipality already has an internet service with the connectivity advantages that this entails. Fibre optics is an important advance in the technological and telecommunications fields, which will benefit both neighbours and the business sector, who will check the speed and fluidity of the Internet.